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Wednesday 25 January 2012

What to do now

After looking at other rock amgazine I had a rough idea of what i wanted the front page and content page to look like so i started to draw it out. i satrted with a simple idea then had to make a lot of changes because the layout was going to be very hard to design i also so search different types of font so i could use for the title and the text but would fit for the magazine. then started to choose what colours iam going to use i choose red, black and white as it related to rock and is easy to work from.

when i finshed that i started to take photos i know what pictures i was going to take by using differnet camera angles and taking them from different locations but with limited resources i had to take the photos from my room i asked my friend if i could use him as the model  i made him wear black and wore paint face to help give the image of him be a rock star i took around 10 to 15 pictures although a lot of them i coundnt be able to use.

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